compound complex
JoinedPosts by compound complex
It's 2:00 AM; no, 1:00 AM
by compound complex injust now, i saw the gain of one hour on my computer clock, its having gone from 1:59 am directly to 1:00 am.. hadda tell you that i "fell back.".
good morning!.
Love Affair with Books
by compound complex intruest love, ever near, from my spring till winter.. your warm, supple skin is sheer delight to my touch.. gliding fingers up and down your spine tell me .
that, truly, heaven’s gates have opened to me.. treasures long hid from me cause my heart to.
melt as your trove of precious thoughts works .
compound complex
Hello, there, LUHE!
Good to see you again. Will have to chew on the above.
It's 2:00 AM; no, 1:00 AM
by compound complex injust now, i saw the gain of one hour on my computer clock, its having gone from 1:59 am directly to 1:00 am.. hadda tell you that i "fell back.".
good morning!.
compound complex
Thanks, LV101, smiddy, and punk for posting.
LV101: Not my digs but I often stay there as caretaker! The roses you see have been maintained by me!
smiddy: I'll have to Google "night time deficits." We're on daylight savings time here. I recall from the film National Treasure that Riley mentioned DST was introduced by Ben Franklin. Can't remember why though.
punk: I think it was originally to give us daylight earlier as we approach the winter solstice. Back in the early '70s we here in the US went off temporarily and it was a problem for kids going to school in the dark, or some such.
It's 2:00 AM; no, 1:00 AM
by compound complex injust now, i saw the gain of one hour on my computer clock, its having gone from 1:59 am directly to 1:00 am.. hadda tell you that i "fell back.".
good morning!.
compound complex
For your enjoyment, a reminder of warm, summer days. But I love autumn!
Exjw activists protesting inside a Kingdom Hall today!
by Crazyguy inspoonfed nomore, has uploaded a video on his youtube site, of exjw activists protesting inside a kingdom hall during this sunday meeting.
several people speak out.
if some one can put a link on here that would be awesome, i can’t figure out how to do it with an i phone.
compound complex
While I was still active, a former elder with legitimate grievances began protesting solo outside the KH. Some of us who saw through his pain and descent into literal madness tried to reason with him, to no avail.
His alleged threats brought out the police on one occasion. The KH was evacuated. It created a huge emotional mess for those of us who were torn between observing "theocratic direction and order" and witnessing the searing mental anguish of a wronged man.
His protests effected no benefit that we, his friends, could see.
It's 2:00 AM; no, 1:00 AM
by compound complex injust now, i saw the gain of one hour on my computer clock, its having gone from 1:59 am directly to 1:00 am.. hadda tell you that i "fell back.".
good morning!.
compound complex
Thanks, LV101, St George of England, and scratchme1010, for your acknowledgements!
LV101: So very lucky for me I awoke at 1:55 AM to witness the event. Content and at peace with myself and the world, afterwards, I slept for five hours straight -- now THAT was an event!
St George of England: Well, I've always been a little behind!
scratchme1010: Gee whiz! If I were still going to the KH, I'd be in the parking lot/car park early, cheerfully greeting my brothers and sisters as they stumbled in, bleary-eyed. Oh, got that wrong, in the spring when we spring ahead and lose an hour!
It's 2:00 AM; no, 1:00 AM
by compound complex injust now, i saw the gain of one hour on my computer clock, its having gone from 1:59 am directly to 1:00 am.. hadda tell you that i "fell back.".
good morning!.
compound complex
Just now, I saw the gain of one hour on my computer clock, its having gone from 1:59 AM directly to 1:00 AM.
Hadda tell you that I "fell back."
Good Morning!
Living with non belivers
by Blade666 inmy question is can you as a jw live on same premises as a non jw.... in split house/property with no sexual relations or anything involved... i am being forced to move due to a "sister" wanting to go back to her god and has made the point of saying she cannot have a male around.
even though the property itself is split with seperate access for both parts of the house.. she has put a blanket rule out saying the whole property itself... doesnt make sense to me nor to any of the elders i have spoken to regarding the matter.. yes i called them as i know next to nothing about the faith.. .
i find it strange that two elders urge a non jw to seek justice from fair trading and rental tribunal as they themselves do not belive the actions of the "sister" in question or her family to be correct or right... .
compound complex
Welcome, Blade666. I hope the responses received here help you. LisaRose's evaluation is spot on.
Without giving details, the same thing happened to me. I went to court and the judge tried to reason with the contender. There were separate entrances and random chance of my "bumping" into the person wanting the entire property.
That person said "no" to the judge's reasoning, which would have been equitable to both parties. Due to the nature of the situation, I eventually left but with a large financial settlement. The person wanting me out incurred losses beyond monetary.
'Is there anybody there?'
by compound complex inthe listeners.
'is there anybody there?’ said the traveller, .
knocking on the moonlit door; .
compound complex
THE LISTENERS'Is there anybody there?’ said the Traveller,Knocking on the moonlit door;And his horse in the silence champed the grassesOf the forest’s ferny floor:And a bird flew up out of the turret,Above the Traveller’s head:And he smote upon the door again a second time;‘Is there anybody there?’ he said.But no one descended to the Traveller;No head from the leaf-fringed sillLeaned over and looked into his grey eyes,Where he stood perplexed and still.But only a host of phantom listenersThat dwelt in the lone house thenStood listening in the quiet of the moonlightTo that voice from the world of men:Stood thronging the faint moonbeams on the dark stair,That goes down to the empty hall,Hearkening in an air stirred and shakenBy the lonely Traveller’s call.And he felt in his heart their strangeness,Their stillness answering his cry,While his horse moved, cropping the dark turf,’Neath the starred and leafy sky;For he suddenly smote on the door, evenLouder, and lifted his head:—‘Tell them I came, and no one answered,That I kept my word,’ he said.Never the least stir made the listeners,Though every word he spakeFell echoing through the shadowiness of the still houseFrom the one man left awake:Ay, they heard his foot upon the stirrup,And the sound of iron on stone,And how the silence surged softly backward,When the plunging hoofs were gone.
-- Walter de la mer -
A Little Direction Please
by Brian J ini'm an active elder, cobe, just got home from the meeting where i handled the treasures part and concluded by announcing a friend of mine has been d/f,.....blah blah blah...and over the last year have woken up.
i simply cannot spill my guts to my wife and children as it would be family suicide.
i have zero desire to bash, spread my feelings, or become an "apostate".
compound complex
Welcome, Brian, and please stay with us.
I cannot add much to the helpful, tried-and-tested suggestions already offered.
Leaving "The Truth" some years ago has produced certain residual effects and collateral damage, even in my dreams. Just last night I dreamed I was at the convention (no more, in reality) and my family looked at me, averted their brief gaze, and walked on. Dreams are so mixed up -- I was at the convention, being a good JW!
Those ongoing dreams reflect my daily reality. It's sad, but I remain hopeful. I stay busy with meaningful activities and associate with people who care.
Best Wishes.